Add your signature to transform vet care.

Veticare will improve vet accessibility and affordability across the state. It will support hardworking vets and vet nurses. And it will save lives.

We, the undersigned, call on the Victorian Government to support a new system to make vet care in Victoria more accessible and affordable.

Our state is facing a vet shortage crisis, which is having severe impacts on animal welfare across the state. Many Victorians cannot access a vet when they need one, and more and more emergency after hours clinics are closing or reducing their hours.

In order to retain vets, attract more vets and improve affordability, Victoria urgently needs a public health care system for animals, just like we have for human healthcare.

Additionally, there is opportunity to upskill vet nurses into nurse practitioner roles - giving them more opportunity and autonomy, freeing up vet time, and ensuring animals are given care sooner.

The opening of public vet clinics and specialised wildlife hospitals will result in improve access to services, with specific skillsets and knowledge being applied to different species - improving animal welfare across the state.

Victoria could lead the way by legislating the country's first ever public health system for animals, and we call on Victorian Government to support this propoosal by the Animal Justice Party.