Save the Kinley Kangaroos

Save the Kinley Kangaroos

The Kinley Kangaroos are a small family mob trapped in the Kinley Development (Lilydale, Victoria) that deserve a safe future.

They are important not only because we value their lives, but because this is a landmark case that will likely impact the outcome for other landlocked mobs.

The developer initially worked with Save the Kinley Kangas (STKK), a community-led volunteer organisation that assembled a team of highly qualified veterinarians and wildlife experts to submit a professional, proven best-practice relocation protocol.

After months of immense pro-bono effort, the STKK proposal had reached the final stage of ethics approval when the developers ...

The Kinley Kangaroos are a small family mob trapped in the Kinley Development (Lilydale, Victoria) that deserve a safe future.

They are important not only because we value their lives, but because this is a landmark case that will likely impact the outcome for other landlocked mobs.

The developer initially worked with Save the Kinley Kangas (STKK), a community-led volunteer organisation that assembled a team of highly qualified veterinarians and wildlife experts to submit a professional, proven best-practice relocation protocol.

After months of immense pro-bono effort, the STKK proposal had reached the final stage of ethics approval when the developers inexplicably ceased contact with the STKK team.

The developer then submitted an alternative plan containing research methodology so concerning that our experts believe it will kill many of the kangaroos through stress myopathy. This terrible outcome will further entrench the state government’s outdated resistance to translocating kangaroos.

Whilst STKK would ideally like control of the relocation, they are willing to combine skills with the alternative team to improve outcomes for the kangaroos.

We are calling for the developer to allow the experts to help the kangaroos, free of charge.


Email Kinley developers

Send an email to the developers of the Kinley estate and ask them to accept the relocation plan by trusted macropod experts.

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